Friday, October 6, 2017

Vegas Opinions & thoughts

Lately, I've been having the urge to go back to Vegas and all its magnetic bright lights and energy IT ALL draws you in. Addicting. Despite the awful Vegas incident recently.  It's a strong city. The world goes to this tiny lit up city of sin to do whatever their little hearts desire.  I hope it never changes because it'll ruin so many hopefully vacations for people all over the world.  I learn something new about myself every time I go AND I LOVE GOING. 

Anyways to my point! I like to take time to reflect on all the shoots that I do-The travel, getting glammed up, a check, meeting other models/make up artists/hair stylists, knowledgeable photographers ALL this is great but I over think. I like to think about what was I feeling, thinking and when I see later photos  WHAT inspires me from that single photo in that specific moment. Every shoot is so different and I, myself, sometimes am wondering what was I thinking at that split second of a moment to capture that expression! I do always see that I am still camera shy ... STILL. 

And to the last but not least of all my points ... My body has changed SO many ways. I love seeing the growth - YES there are photos I do NOT like but we all have those. As I age, fluctuate weight through exercise and diet  .... more like no exercise and eating whatever I want, I see with my own eyes what I am liking and there is not much I am NOT liking. In some ways you can see I am a SLOW blossom-er. Slow. Of course, think fast-grow slow. Its a given that I am almost 30 years old and its around the corner so I have had some doctors assistance. Good facial creams and a breast augumentation. I believe in self improvement for the mind, body and soul through hard work, therapists, spiritual advisors and/or God and doctors. 

In most recent shoot, in Vegas, with Alex (LaDonnaPhoto) my favorite is the desert beauty  photo and being nude in a desert {keep it moving } it's a confidence boost and an amazing feeling of truly pure sexiness and out of any element I can think of. I loved dancing around ðŸ’ƒ Oh my goodness I practically HAD TO keep moving or the bottom of my feet would burn right up !  I loved the aqua green colored dress or it's shorts Im not really sure what those are called. I have never worn it before and I'm pretty sure I've had it for about 6 years ! 

To be continued casually ......